CD or DVD in Plastic Sleeve

CD duplication, copying and printing, Branded USBs

R26.75 – Limited Stock

  • Includes disc, decal print & duplication
  • Durable PVC sleeve with flap
  • Optional adhesive strip for sticking it to books or documents
  • Best suited for legal & financial sector
  • CD ROM is legally accepted as “hard-copy”

CD or DVD discs in plastic envelopes is not only practical but still very popular in the financial or legal trade.  A CD ROM (read only memory) are deemed an acceptable hard copy,  with the benefit of rich media, video and hyperlinks.


  • Include duplication & decal print
  • Minimum 100 order *
  • Average 7 day turnaround time
  • FREE setup for orders over 150
  • PLUS FREE graphic design for orders over 200
  • PLUS FREE delivery for orders over 250
  • Ask about BULK DISCOUNT
  • Templates for this product can be found here
    (right-click, save link as…)
  • Subject to terms & conditions as per formal quote

*Exceptions on certain conditions.

CD duplication, copying and printing, Branded USBs

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CD duplication, copying and printing, Branded USBs

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